KB Ecoline Hybrid Airco EN
The Kabola KB-Series Ecoline HYBRID AIRCO is a series of fully automatic, soot-free oil-fired boilers from 8-38 kW. The KB Ecoline HYBRID AIRCO boilers have the same specs as the regular KB series, only this one works fully automatically with an electrical element and a separately connectable air conditioning system. The boiler is programmed to maximize fuel savings. For example: he can keep the object electrically frost-free. It has a fast warm-up time due to cooperation (diesel and electric). Reduced CO2 emissions and thanks to the highly efficient blue burner technology there are no soot emissions, less fuel consumption and lower power consumption. The KB-Series can be connected to central heating, hot air, underfloor heating and this version even with an air conditioning system that can be connected separately. Thanks to the soot-free operation, the system is maintenance-friendly.